Smokey Lithium


  • Located in Esmeralda County Nevada, Nevada within Big Smokey Valley
  • The Smokey clay lithium project lies approximately 20 miles north of Clayton Valley, and 20 miles west of American Lithium’s flagship lithium project.
  • The property can be accessed just off main highway and 2-track dirt road.


Esmeralda County, Nevada

  • Esmeralda County Nevada is a prolific region for lithium clay deposits, (Noram, Cypress, American Lithium, Spearmint, Enertopia, Jindalee)
  • (Noram 166 MT @ 900ppm), (Cypress 593 MT @ 1032 ppm), (American Li 495 MT @ 1000 ppm)
  • This region’s clay deposits have proven very large tonnage with acceptable grades in excess of 900ppm.


Why this Project?

  • Resides in a prolific lithium region with respect to clay and brines.
  • 350 Claims covering 7000 acres with excellent access and relatively flat ground.
  • Proven regulatory feasibility with many ongoing exploration projects nearby.
  • Adjacent and contiguous to Jindalee Resources Limited (ASX:JRL)
  • Outcropping clay on Jindalee’s property demonstrated lithium grades as high as 930 ppm and perhaps trending northwest onto to this property.
  • Similar geologic setting as Clayton Valley.
  • intermittent clay outcroppings demonstrate the clay beds extend far and wide.
  • Large resource potential in a proven region.

Smokey Lithium Property in Relation to Major Lithium Properties in the Region.

Closeup of Smokey Lithium and adjacent Jindalee Property.