Black Diablo


Victory Battery Metals staked, filed and received confirmation from the BLM of 16 claims south of Winnemucca. 

Exploration Target

The Black Diablo Project is exploring for VMS Copper deposits in the same belt of rocks as Nevada Sunrise Gold Corp's Coronada VMS Project immediately to the south. The Big Mike Copper Mine is on the Coronada Property, about 10 miles south of the Black Diablo Property. 

The Big Mike Copper Mine produced about 25 million pounds of copper in 100,000 tons of ore grading 10.5% copper, which was shipped directly to a smelter in West Germany. Ranchers also carried out heap leaching on the lower-grade disseminated copper ore, treating about 300,000t of mineralised rock.


The Black Diablo Property hosts the Black Diablo Manganese Oxide Mine. Regarding manganese oxide deposits, the USGS notes that (in the Winnemucca area) “permissive and favorable tracts coincide with those of the Cyprus massive sulphide deposits. The Mineral Resource Data System entry for the Black Diablo deposit reports a sample containing 10 000 ppm Cu. Franciscan type Manganese Oxide deposits commonly contain trace copper, suggesting that the Black Diablo is anomalous for copper. As this is an anomalously high amount of Cu for a Mangaese Oxide Deposit, it may indicate the area is particularly prospective for Cyprus style VMS deposits such as the Big Mike.